Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Warrior Statue Sculpting

Warrior statue height 10 cm, made using epoxy clay.

The initial step sculpting human anatomy by making proportionate.

After the statue harden continued to work  more detail to clarify the form of sculptures.

The final stage of the painting using water base paint, epoxy clay material used color base of the sculpture.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tectona Grandis

Tectona grandis, is a type of timber that includes a high quality and the type of strong and durable.
Tectona grandis wood has a light yellow brown hue to dark brown. This type of wood color shades have decorative value is very beautiful and attractive, causing much in demand by artists. Besides the beauty of style and color, Tectona grandis wood is also easy to be carved and chiseled, low burst, generally straight fibers, slightly rough texture.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Little Man Sculpting

I call this "little man" because of the legs look shorter in the human anatomy.
The little man with a height of 3 inches with a head, body, hands are quite proportional, and shorter legs.

Sculpting needs to understand the anatomy of the object that will be created, find some images of the object to be created in order to understand the proportional size between each part of statue.